Monday, October 3, 2022

Blog Post #9

Why should I be afraid of Machine Learning? This is a question that I am going to dive into throughout this blog post. To begin we need to understand what exactly is Machine Learning? Machine Learning is a computer software that uses algorithms and statistical models with nothing else in order to expand its intellectual understanding of data. In order for it to be considered a true example of Machine Learning there needs to be no human interference during the learning process. To try and simplify what this means I like to give the example of the popular movie Avengers Age of Ultron. This movie starts with the armored hero, Iron Man and his artificial intelligence, (which is very important to understand and I will be getting more into detail about this later in this article), but this artificial intelligence that Iron Man uses serves as a mechanical butler in a sense, giving Iron Man data and suggestions for what to do to help humanity during an emergency. Jarvis is nothing but a machine that Iron Man built and this machine uses machine learning to sort through data to give itself a better understanding of what is going on and in real-time what to do to solve any issues Iron Man faces. This sounds like a great use of technology that would improve society as a whole, but as we get further into the movie we see Iron Man try to upload Jarvis into a new form of Artificial Intelligence which is when we see the movie go sideways. This new form of artificial intelligence had a mind of its own and after machine learning, by learning through going through and learning data in the internet, had the ill intent to kill everyone on earth and create an army of robots to rule over the world.

Here you can find some sources for my thoughts:

Now obviously this is just a movie and I am not trying to imply that this is destined to happen if Machine Learning keeps advancing I am just bringing up one of infinite possibilities that this advancement in technology could lead to. There are many benefits of Machine Learning in both everyday practice and in advancements. Machines hold certain capabilities that humans don't. Machines don't need to eat, sleep, or have time off. A machine can be programmed to work around the clock and if Machine Learning acts like the human brain, with learning capabilities then an around the clock think tank would improve society with new technology, weapons, and medical discoveries. There is no down time when it comes to code and metal and therefore Machine Learning may be a very good thing, as long as humans don't use it for the wrong reasons. 

Now what exactly is A.I.? How is it different from Machine Learning? A.I. stands for Artificial Intelligence and it is when a software is used to think like a human and perform tasks without needing any help from a human, whatsoever after it is engineered and programmed. Machine Learning on the other hand is how a computer system is actually capable of developing its intelligence. 

Another area where Machine Learning may come in handy is with jobs that are far too dangerous for a human to do. Things where a human's life is at risk has the potential to be done by a robot if machine learning gets the point where it is advanced enough to think like a person. Some places where this would hold true would be working on an oil rig, serving in the military, even some dangerous construction jobs could be done by a machine if it had the ability to think. The around the clock with no breaks needed would apply to be useful here too because of how time efficient a machine would be at constructing new buildings or working somewhere hazardous, the possibilities are endless. 

Here are some sources for my thoughts:

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