Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Blog Post #6

One large piece of technology that I have learned about from someone else was a drone. To be more specific, one of the expensive drones with the built in camera that was attached to it. I was aware of the toy of a drone that would fly up a little bit until it turned a little and spiked down into the ground, but the difference from that and the one I now know about was the quality, and the features the ones with cameras had installed into it.

Now if this is your first time discovering that there is a difference between toy drones and professional drones you might be wondering what is the difference? Well theres more than you would think. I first discovered this piece of technology a couple months ago, and it was on set for a movie that had a fairly large budget. I was confused when one of the people on th tech crew brought out a large hard shell box with a drone in it, so I asked him what we were going to do with it. He told me there was a 4k state of the art video camera in it and we were going to use it to shoot an "over the head shot" using this drone. I was surprised to learn of this and asked what would happen if the drone tilted a little in the air and came crashing down. This is when he told me he actually had to get a drone certification to use this drone, and he explained to me how these high end drones were less prone to actually crash, unlike the cheap ones I was used to using when I was growing up. 

This leads into the question, "Is a drone the best way to film things in the film industry?" and "Did this piece of technology really benefit society as a whole?" To answer the first question, it depends on the scene you are shooting. Obviously if you are shooting a car chase and need a birds eye view shot to follow the cars, then yes the drone shot is the best way to get this shot. below is more information if you are curious about some of the more specifics on how to use a drone when filming. 


To answer the second question, you need to look at the question in a couple of different ways. In one case you can see how this could be a concern of privacy. How is a flying piece of technology with a camera, going to benefit the general public and not put its privacy at risk. Well for one thing it's illegal to use the drone to spy on people, but this also doesn't stop some people. To be honest there is no concrete way to ensure this piece of technology doesn't hurt peoples privacy. It is a major concern and there have been many major cases where drones have been confiscated and people have gotten in trouble for not using their drones ethically. I've included an article to back up my findings. 


To sum up this piece of technology has its benefits for getting cool film shots and going places to get a piece of cinematography that no one ever could, but this comes at the cost at hurting people's privacy. There are more bad things than good when we look at this invention, but I personally feel that this isn't a problem with the technology but more of a moral problem with the people using it. 

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