Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Blog Post #5

I can't help but notice when I look on websites such as ANTIWAR.COM I find myself reading from very strong antiwar writers who I have never head of before. Why is this? I decided to take a deeper look at the article and here are some things I found. 

Above I have included the website because if my professor hadn't shared the website with me, then I would have never found it, so of course I don't expect you to be able to find it either. This also raises another question, why are articles like this one never seen by the general public? Isn't it a little odd how we never see any websites or writers who are very anti war? Well the reasoning for this is because of censorship. The government doesn't want it's general public to see all this propaganda against it's precious war, and the government needs to make sure that web browsers such as google and bing aren't promoting this, but instead are on the side of trying to hide it or at least not promote it as to not bring more of the public on the side of there being no war. 


Todays technology is getting so advanced with AI, Artificial Intelligence, has so much control on exactly what you can see and it knows everything you do. AI is a a software that monitors everything you see and has the control to monitor and show you exactly what the government wants you so see and do, basically brainwashing you. This is how they are able to control these anti war writers and anti war websites by physically blocking these  websites as to not share the agenda these websites have with the public. 

There are many examples of proof to support the previous statement made, one of which being the large company PayPal shutting down accounts that were making anti war publications. Recently there was a campaign that censored independent publishers who were very against the war between Nato and the US. They were shutting down all their accounts and only the ones that were specifically against war. This articles goes into much more detail:


Another example of anti war examples are Facebook and instagram deleting posts off their platforms that were anti war. The U.S. government encouraged Instagram and Facebook to get rid of any posts that supported of an Iranian commander and were against the war with Iran. Instagram went as far as to actually remove the Iranian commander's instagram account so he could no longer post. This website goes into more detail about this incident: 


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