Friday, September 9, 2022

Blog Post #1

My personal top five news sources are Google News, BBC News, CNN, Noovell, and Yahoo! News. 

The links for these websites are: 

Google News:

BBC News:



Yahoo! News:

The first news source I use is Google News. Google is a company that has built up a fantastic reputation over the years and since it is the #1 search engine they are expected to also be the #1 news source. They have reported time and time again on current day news articles that not only go above and beyond but are also very reliable which isn't always the case in todays day and age. The reason I would recommend this news source is because of the many anonymous sources online who support the news source. While there is many negative articles, that is to be expected its the Internet but the positive outweigh the negative reviews which is enough for me. 

For my second news source I choose BBC News. I personally enjoy this news source because of the way most articles are worded. The writing style this news source uses for most of its articles really draws me in and I enjoy reading from this writing style. My main reason for recommending this news source is because of the popularity behind it. I know hundreds of people who use this news source and even though some people are against it, it still is held accountable for what it posts because of its popularity. 

The third news source I use is CNN. Now CNN is a very controversial choice but politics aside I like to read from their website. They report on stories that not every news source uses and I find some of the less popular articles they produce to be very intriguing. I would only recommend this news source again, because of its popularity. Almost everyone knows of this news source and therefore I feel as if they are held to the highest expectation. If they write a bad story they aren't going to hear the end of it, and therefore I feel as this makes them very careful about what they report. 

For my fourth news source I very much enjoy reading from Noovell. I know most people aren't as familiar with Noovell as some of my other news sources picks but nonetheless its very popular. The reason I am drawn to this source is for the layout of its articles. The way this website is setup draws me in and even if I am not in the mood to read, I can go on this website and they way they display their content sways me to want to read. This reason is why I would recommend this news source to someone else. 

My fifth and last news source is Yahoo! News. My reasoning for this is because I like to use two different browsing companies to view my news. Yahoo isn't as popular as Google is but it is still a very well rounded company. This means it's also expected to be held to the highest standard of accurate news reporting. I find it very interesting to compare and contrast the news stories from Google and Yahoo because they are similar in what they both do, with their browser/news reporting combination. I would recommend this news source to others because it offers a interesting range of news reports. 


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