Friday, September 9, 2022

Blog Post #2

Something that I learned about the Supreme Court that I didn't know was that they are in the Court for multiple decades after the president that elected them leaves office. I personally didn't know very much about the Supreme Court before watching this video and I was always under the impression that the President elected a Supreme Court and once the presidents term ended so did the Supreme Court Justices. 

Personally the most important take-away point that I learned about the Supreme Court is that they don't use the Constitution that was written in 1787, or 1791 but instead they actually use the Post Civil War Amendments, the 19th Amendment. I was under the impression that they used the Constitution from 1787 but the video informed me that my understanding was incorrect. 

I was most surprised to learn that people were actually held in bondage during voting. I was aware that Native Americans and Women couldn't vote but I didn't realize people were actually being held in bondage just because voting was happening. 

The video had a large impact on the way I thought about the Supreme Court because it showed me how the progress of the way the Supreme Court viewed different types of people under the "We The People" statement. They went from not seeing the Native Americans, The African Americans, and the Women as part of the people in "We The People", whereas today they do. We have come a long way as a country and I believe we have changed for the better. 

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