Thursday, October 6, 2022


My classmates all gave very informative and interesting presentations on many different things through their EOTO presentations. Some specific areas that I would very interesting was the presentation on was the Five Eyes. before this presentation I had no idea what the Five Eyes were, or even heard of them for that matter but this presentation taught me well. 

Some things that I learned was that the Five Eyes are an intelligence alliance that are made up by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Together they make a combined intelligence group that not only monitors the electronic communications of citizens in their countries but they also monitor electric communications from foreign governments. There was an entire book just teaching about how the Five Eyes was caught spying and how New Zealand played a large role in the world's biggest intelligence network. I have listed the source below.

This organization's whole purpose is to secretly allow secretive intelligence agencies to spy on the local people all around the world. I thought our privacy was in danger because of audio tracking in phones, and surveillance tracking our everyday lives, but now that I know that there is an alliance of multiple different countries who's main objective is to spy on the world, I am more concerned than ever. The Five Eyes is not only for spying but for so much more. Some of their jobs include, conducting interceptions, collection, acquisition, analysis, and also decryption activities and not only this but they share all the data among each other so that many more people around the world are aware of the people's private information. I have listed some sources down below to back up what I have learned through the EOTO presentation.

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